Inauguration of UG & PG Commerce Forum
Inauguration of UG & PG Commerce Forum was held in our College on 02.11.2022. Dr. K. Naina Mohamed, HOD of PG & Research Dept. of Commerce welcomed the gathering. Principal Dr. A. Abbas Manthiri gave Presidential Address. Dr. S. Naseer Khan and Dr. S. Shamsudeen Ibrahim, Asst. Professors of Commerce introduced the Chief Guests, Dr. S. Thirumaran, Associate Professor of Commerce, Alagappa Govt. Arts College, Karaikudi and Dr. S.M. Alagappan, Associate Professor of Commerce, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur. They inaugurated UG & PG Forum respectively and spoke about recent employment scenario for Commerce students. Dr. P. Zahir Hussain, Asst. Professor of Commerce gave vote of thanks.