II Place in Inter-Collegiate Chess Tournament
Our College Chess Team (Girls) bagged II Place in the Alagappa University Inter-Collegiate Chess Tournament held at Raja Arts & Science College, Vethalai, Ramnad on 27.10.2022. A total of 16 teams took part in the competition. Our College Management, Principal Dr. A. Abbas Manthiri, teaching and non-teaching staff of our College congratulated the members of Chess Team (M. Pavithra – II M.Sc. Maths, M. Sharmila Devi and K. Karpagam – III B.A. Tamil P. Kalpana – III B.A. English Litt. And J. Krishna Kavi – I B.Sc. Computer Science) and Dr. S. Kalidasan, Physical Director and other Trainers Mrs. N. Ishwarya and Mr. K.M. Kaja Najmudeen.